与长者共度年末假期的 5 个小贴士

与长者共度年末假期的 5 个小贴士

written by : PARENTY - 8 Des 2023

Viewed : 3   Read duration :

The end of the year is in sight. This means that the long-awaited vacation time will arrive soon. If you and your family are planning a vacation, then you should prepare from now on. Especially if you are on vacation with elderly parents, the preparation for the Christmas and New Year holidays must be mature so that the holidays are smooth and enjoyable. Here we will discuss tips for New Year's holidays with the elderly.

New Year's vacation with extended family and parents is a fun moment. Traveling with the elderly can provide good health benefits. Such as relieving stress, improving brain function, maintaining heart health, and strengthening immunity. However, inviting the elderly to travel must be extra careful. Let's look at the tips.

Tips for Traveling with the Elderly

Plan ahead

Taking the elderly on vacation should not be done suddenly. You must pay attention to your parents' health before going on vacation. If necessary, do a health test and consult a doctor so that the New Year's vacation goes according to plan.

Choose the right tourist destination

The choice of tourist attractions for the elderly is very diverse. However, not all places are suitable and suitable for their conditions. Choose a place that is easy to reach and does not take too long to travel. Make sure the place you visit with your elderly has complete facilities and easy access so as not to drain a lot of energy.

Stamina preparation

Even though you are going on vacation, you should still pay attention to your parents' stamina. Make sure your parents get the right intake, and quality rest time so that their stamina is maintained during the year-end holidays.

Prepare safe and comfortable transportation

Comfort during the trip to the destination is something that should not be ignored. Before leaving, make sure you have checked whether the vehicle is in top condition or not. So, safe and healthy transportation can support mutual comfort during the trip.

Bring special equipment

This is the most important part when you are planning a vacation with the elderly. Make sure you bring special equipment such as medicines, blankets, drinking supplies, and adult diapers if needed.

Adult diapers can help you and your parents feel comfortable on the trip. Because adult diapers are actually not only intended for elderly people with certain health conditions that require diapers. However, in some conditions when traveling for a long distance and time, it can feel uncomfortable to urinate and difficult to find a toilet.

Travel comfortably with Parenty Adults Diapers

Traveling with our loved ones such as parents should provide comfort and tender love with Parenty Adults Pant Soft. This adult diaper preparation makes it easier for them to urinate, especially if they experience urinary incontinence.

Parenty is designed using a combination of absorbent pulp and SAP core material that is comfortable to use throughout the day, especially for sensitive skin. Supported by advanced features such as 3D surface and others, Parenty effectively reduces the risk of skin irritation.

Parenty has two types, namely adhesive and pants, where each type has a different capacity. Parenty adult diapers adhesive capacity of 900 ml and parent adult diapers pants of 600 ml.

In the pants type, Parenty's waist rubber is very elastic following the user's body shape. While the tape diapers have an adhesive that can be adjusted according to the user's waist circumference. Now, Parenty can be found in offline stores across Indonesia and online at your favorite e-commerce! (Aq/PRT)


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