10 Meals for Sick People to Heal Fast

10 Meals for Sick People to Heal Fast

written by : PARENTY - 7 Feb 2024

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Eating becomes unappetizing when you're not feeling well. Even good food will taste bland when sick. However, try to keep the body receiving intake because the food that enters the body can help the healing process. There are several foods for sick people to get well quickly.

During the healing process, a person needs intake that can speed up recovery. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to food intake that suits your needs. For severe illnesses, a person needs to eat soft or liquid foods to make it easier to digest.

Why does the body need food when sick? 

When the body is sick, the immune system works hard to fight infection or disease. This process requires a lot of energy. Food provides the necessary calories to energize the body to strengthen the immune system and speed up the healing process.

Therefore, some foods have natural anti-inflammatory or antimicrobial properties that can help relieve symptoms and speed up the healing process. While it may be difficult to eat when sick due to loss of appetite or nausea, it is very important to ensure that the body still gets enough nutrients to support the healing process and strengthen the immune system.

Food Menu for Sick People

A diet for sick people should include foods that are easy to digest, rich in nutrients, and can help speed up the healing process. Here are some examples of meals for sick people:

1. Chicken soup

One of the healthy food menus for sick people that is even always served in hospitals is chicken soup. Chicken soup can fulfill nutritional needs during the healing period because it contains protein, minerals, calories and vitamins.

2. Green vegetables

The next food for sick people is green vegetables that can fulfill the intake of vitamins and minerals to speed up the recovery process. Recommended green vegetables are vegetables that contain phytonutrients, antioxidants and polyphenols. For example, spinach, lettuce or kale.

3. Fish

Fish meat contains protein, minerals and vitamin D. In fact, some types of fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, tuna and mackerel. This omega-3 acid content can help reduce inflammation in the body.

4. Nuts and seeds

During the recovery process, the body needs fuel to support healing. Nuts and seeds such as almonds, pecans, walnuts, sunflower seeds and flax seeds contain vitamin E, zinc, manganese and magnesium to boost immune cells and protect against cell damage.

5. Ginger

Ginger contains antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-cancer effects. So this type of spice is highly recommended to be added to food for sick people. In addition to being a food flavoring, ginger also has the ability of anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen.

6. Bananas

Bananas are very beneficial for sick people because they keep you full longer and are easy to digest. Bananas contain carbohydrates, vitamins, calories and help restore potassium levels lost from the body.

7. Avocado

The unsaturated fat content in avocados is good for reducing inflammation and boosting the immune system. The flesh of the avocado is soft, making it easy for the digestive system to process.

8. Eggs

Eggs contain immune-boosting nutrients such as vitamin A, B12, zinc, iron and selenium. All the ingredients in eggs are important in wound healing. Especially for post-operative people who need more protein and eggs help fulfill these needs.

9. Berries

During the recovery process, one needs to increase the body's resistance. Berries are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants in the form of anthocyanins and flavonoids can strengthen immunity. So, berries are a healthy snack alternative for sick people.

10. Organ meat

Organ meat is a good source of protein and is needed during recovery after surgery or illness. In addition, organ meat contains nutrients to boost immunity such as vitamin A, iron, zinc, vitamin B and copper.

Well, that's a row of foods for sick people that can speed up healing. In addition, during illness or in the recovery period, you should ensure the comfort of the patient. If necessary, use Parenty adult diapers to support hygiene and comfort. (Aq/PRT)


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