Diaper rash is not only found in babies. Adults and the elderly who use diapers can also experience diaper rash. Diaper rash in the elderly can cause discomfort, itching and burning on the skin. For that, it is mandatory to know how to overcome diaper rash in the elderly easily and quickly.
Rash on the skin is one of the most common skin problems, both in children, adults and the elderly. In the elderly who suffer from incontinence or health problems that require sufferers to use diapers are prone to rashes. This is usually related to wet diapers, moist skin conditions, urine or feces that have prolonged contact with the skin and sensitive skin.
Causes of diaper rash in the elderly
Diaper rash in the elderly can be caused by several factors. The appearance of redness on the skin of the elderly on the part covered by diapers is due to moisture, lack of air and friction that occurs between the skin and diapers.
To avoid moisture, it is best to change diapers every few hours. Moist skin that continuously rubs against the dirty diaper surface is prone to triggering the growth of bacteria that cause rashes and skin irritation.
In addition, diaper rash in the elderly can also be caused by allergies arising from sensitive skin. And not maintaining cleanliness in the genital organs or skin around the diaper also causes skin rashes and irritation.
Symptoms of diaper rash in the elderly
Diaper rash in adults and the elderly occurs in areas of skin that are often covered by diapers. including the groin, buttocks, thighs and hips. Symptoms of diaper rash in the elderly can be characterized by the appearance of reddish spots and patches on the skin, rough skin surface, itching and burning sensation.
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5 Ways to treat diaper rash in the elderly
Many may think that how to deal with diaper rash in infants and the elderly is not the same. Even though basically the way to overcome it is not much different. Here are five ways to deal with diaper rash in the elderly:
Routinely change diapers
Always making sure full and dirty diapers are changed on time is the right way to deal with diaper rash. Make sure you change the diapers of the elderly regularly. If the frequency of changing diapers is poor then the treatment of diaper rash will be hampered.
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Can Incontinence Be Cured?Maintain cleanliness
Most diaper rashes in the elderly can be treated by keeping the diaper-covered area clean. So, make sure that after every diaper change you clean the intimate area with water and use a skin-safe soap if needed. Afterwards, dry the area affected by the rash with a clean towel or cloth until it is completely dry.
Using the right diaper size
The size of diapers has a huge impact on skin comfort and health. Using the wrong size diapers can cause diaper rash. Because diapers that are too loose can make diapers leak easily and if they are too tight can make the skin reddish due to continued rubbing against the diaper.
Using diaper rash ointment
To speed up the healing of diaper rash, in addition to paying attention to the things above, you can also use special creams or ointments to treat rash skin. Usually, effective diaper rash medications contain zinc oxide as the main active ingredient or use petroleum jelly as the top layer.
Improve diaper air circulation
Diaper rash in the elderly can occur due to lack of air circulation in adult diapers. This lack of air circulation makes the skin easily moist, stuffy and makes the user uncomfortable. So choose diapers that have good air circulation to reduce the risk of diaper rash in the elderly.
The causes of diaper rash in the elderly are basically almost the same as those that occur in infants. Therefore, pay attention to changes in skin health while using diapers. if symptoms of diaper rash begin to appear, you should immediately do how to deal with diaper rash according to the needs of the elderly.
Parenty, a 3D-structured and air-circulated adult diaper
Parenty is an adult diaper designed with tenderness and love. Parenty is a trusted solution for the comfort and hygiene of every user. As well as providing maximum protection without worrying about diaper leakage.
Parenty is equipped with several features including absorbent materials from SAP and Pulp. It has an elastic waist following the shape of the body, a blue line to distinguish the front and back diapers and side core material to reduce leakage.
In addition, Parenty also has an air hollow bottom layer to let air out but not liquid out. This is useful for removing moisture and promoting better air circulation.
The 3D surface feature of Parenty has even been recognized by Tras n Co Info Brand. Parenty won the Top Innovation Award as an adult diaper with an innovative 3-dimensional structure on the surface of adult diapers. The function of this 3D surface is to provide space between the skin and diaper to accelerate urine absorption. (Aq/MKK)