5 Ways to Increase the Stamina of the Elderly So They Don't Get Tired Easily

5 Ways to Increase the Stamina of the Elderly So They Don't Get Tired Easily

written by : PARENTY - 20 Feb 2024

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Changes in the body are very clearly visible as we age. Including changes in endurance to stamina that are not as happy as before. Even the health and fitness of the elderly over the age of 60 has decreased dramatically. This is what makes the elderly susceptible to various diseases. However, there are several ways to increase stamina in the elderly that you can practice with your parents at home.

Why do the elderly need to maintain stamina?

The elderly need to maintain stamina because it has a significant positive impact on their quality of life. By maintaining stamina, the elderly can maintain a high level of independence. Sufficient stamina allows them to perform daily activities such as walking, shopping, and doing household tasks without much dependence on the help of others.

In addition, here are some reasons why the elderly should maintain their stamina:

Heart and Blood Vessel Health

Increased stamina helps maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels. Adequate physical activity can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure in the elderly.

Better Quality of Life

By having good stamina, the elderly can enjoy a better quality of life overall. They can engage in various social, hobby and recreational activities that can increase their happiness and well-being.

Prevention of Cognitive Function Decline

Research shows that regular physical activity can help protect the brain from the decline in cognitive function associated with aging. Increasing stamina can help maintain better cognition in the elderly.

Maintenance of Muscle Mass and Strength

By maintaining stamina, the elderly can maintain the muscle mass and body strength necessary to live their daily lives without difficulty.

How to Increase Stamina for the Elderly

Various ways can help increase the stamina of the body so that it does not get tired easily. Here are five ways that you can try:

Healthy Diet

Consume a balanced and nutrient-rich diet of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, quality proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid processed and high-fat foods that can cause a decrease in energy and increase the risk of fatigue.

Get Enough Rest

Make sure your parents get enough rest every night for 7-8 hours. Because quality sleep plays an important role in renewing the body's energy and restoring tired muscles. That's why getting enough rest can help increase stamina in the elderly.

Exercise Routine

The next way to increase stamina in the elderly is to exercise regularly. From cardiovascular exercises such as running or cycling, to strength training such as weight lifting or heavy body exercises. Both can help build muscle and improve overall endurance. As well as helping to improve lung capacity and blood circulation, so that the body becomes more efficient in producing energy.

Stress Management

Excessive stress can lead to fatigue and decreased stamina. Just like cell phones, our bodies also need a recharge to restore stamina and help maintain mental and physical balance in the elderly.

Avoid smoking

Unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking or drinking can weaken the body's immunity. So, avoid smoking and other unhealthy lifestyles to continue increasing stamina in the elderly.

Also, it is important to pay attention to signs of fatigue and allow time for recovery when needed. Don't neglect your body's capabilities when increasing stamina in the elderly. It is a good idea to consult a health professional before starting or changing your parent's exercise program and diet. Especially if your parent has an underlying health condition.

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