5 Tips to Prevent Dehydration in the Elderly During Ramadan Fasting

Know Tips to Prevent Dehydration in the Elderly during Ramadan Fasting

written by : PARENTY - 13 Mar 2024

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Dehydration in the elderly can be very dangerous. The elderly have a higher risk of dehydration due to several factors. For this reason, for the elderly who continue to fast in the month of Ramadan, they must know how to prevent fasting dehydration.

Signs of Dehydration during Fasting

Fasting is not eating and drinking for approximately 12 hours. During that time, the body only relies on energy from the food consumed at dawn. For the elderly, this is certainly worrying because they are very vulnerable to dehydration, especially when fasting. So to avoid bad things happening to the elderly, you need to recognize the signs of dehydration in the elderly during fasting.

Signs of dehydration during Ramadan fasting can vary from mild to serious. Some signs to look out for are:

  1. If a person feels their mouth feels very dry, it could be a sign that the body is lacking fluids.
  2. Feeling excessively thirsty, especially after iftar or sahur, can be a sign of dehydration.
  3. Dehydration can lead to decreased blood volume and low blood pressure, which can make one feel dizzy or light-headed.
  4. Lack of fluid in the body can lead to a feeling of weakness or weakness, especially if physical activity is performed without adequate fluid intake.
  5. If a person has decreased urine production or their urine is dark in color, it could be a sign of dehydration. Normal urine is usually light yellow to clear in color.
  6. A lack of fluid in the body can affect brain function and the ability to focus or concentrate.
  7. Severe dehydration can cause the heartbeat to become rapid or irregular, as the body tries to compensate for the lack of fluid.

 How to Treat Dehydration in the Elderly?

Dehydration in the elderly can indeed worsen their health condition. By preventing dehydration in the elderly during Ramadan fasting, it means that we are taking care of their health. Here are some tips that can help to prevent dehydration in the elderly while fasting:

Drink Enough Fluids at Iftar and Suhoor

Make sure older adults drink plenty of water at iftar and before suhoor. Avoid caffeinated or alcoholic drinks as they can increase the risk of dehydration. Choose water, fruit juices, or electrolyte drinks that contain essential salts and minerals.

Limit Strenuous Physical Activity

Seniors may not be able to tolerate strenuous physical activity while fasting. They should limit physical activities such as working outdoors in bright sunlight or high-intensity exercise. Avoid activities that may cause increased loss of body fluids.

Consume Foods that Contain Fluids

Choose foods that are high in water such as fruits (watermelon, cucumber, strawberries) and vegetables (cucumber, tomato) to help increase fluid intake. Foods that contain a lot of water can help maintain body hydration.

Avoid Consuming Caffeine

The next way to prevent dehydration during fasting in the elderly is to avoid consuming excessive caffeine. Foods or drinks with caffeine content that are often consumed by the elderly are the and coffee. The caffeine content can stimulate the body to urinate frequently and trigger dehydration.

Limit Salt Consumption

By limiting consumption of foods that are high in salt can help prevent dehydration in the elderly during fasting. The reason is that foods and drinks that are high in salt can attract and retain water in the body, thus increasing thirst in the body. If body fluids are not met, it can worsen the condition of the body during fasting.

Seniors who have certain medical conditions or are taking certain medications may need special attention in managing Ramadan fasting. Consult a doctor or nutritionist to get advice that suits their health condition.

Those are the signs of dehydration in the elderly that need to be watched out for and how to prevent dehydration during fasting. Hopefully your fasting will go smoothly! (Aq/PRT)


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