8 Cancer-Causing Foods for Adults and the Elderly

8 Cancer-Causing Foods for Adults and the Elderly

written by : PARENTY - 9 Nov 2023

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Cancer is the deadliest disease in the world. Actually, cancer can be experienced by anyone and at any age, from toddlers to the elderly. However, about 60% of cancers occur in people aged 65 years or older. And, about 70% of cancer deaths occur at this stage. So, it can be said that the elderly are at high risk of cancer. As a preventive measure, adults to the elderly should avoid cancer-causing foods. Let's see the explanation of what foods cause cancer.

Foods that cause cancer in the elderly

Although it is a dangerous and deadly disease, it does not mean that cancer in adults and the elderly cannot be prevented. One way that can be started from ourselves is to avoid foods that can trigger the growth of cancer cells. For that, you must know what foods cause cancer in the following elderly:

Fast food

Fast food that contains high fat, salt and sugar should be avoided by the elderly. Eating fast food excessively can trigger cancer, especially coupled with lack of exercise and uncontrolled weight.

Preserved food

Usually preserved foods contain nitrates. If you consume foods with these ingredients in large quantities, it will trigger the appearance of bowel cancer. So, to prevent cancer in the elderly, you should avoid foods that contain preservatives.

Instant food

Instant food is indeed more practical. But unfortunately it can have a bad impact on health if consumed continuously. Instant food is usually coated with bisphenol-A (BPA) which is a chemical and acrylamide substance.


The body will break down incoming alcohol by producing carcinogenic compounds or acetaldehyde. This compound is known to disrupt the body's immunity and make it difficult for the body to kill cancer cells.

Fried food

Fried food is one of the foods processed by cooking at high temperatures. Plus generally fried foods are made with flour which if processed at high temperatures can produce carcinogenic compounds.

Red meat

Frequent consumption of red meat can also cause cancer in the elderly. Reporting from several sources, a study says consuming excessive red meat can risk cancer. The risk of cancer will increase if the red meat is cooked by burning, frying and grilling.

Foods high in sugar

The bad impact of eating high-sugar foods too often is triggering the onset of diabetes and excess weight (obesity). Both diseases are closely related to inflammation that can cause cancer.

Foods high in salt

As said earlier, that foods that contain high salt can be cancer-triggering foods in the elderly. Because salt has a carcinogenic effect that encourages the growth of cancer cells. So, you can eat salty foods but not a lot and too often.

Types of cancer that often occur in the elderly

Please note that this cancer has many types. However, there are several types of cancer that often occur in the elderly. Here are 3 types of cancer that can attack anyone including the elderly:


This lymphatic system cancer attacks the lymph nodes. This type of cancer is strongly influenced by the type of white blood cells (lymphocytes). Lymphatic system cancer is known as cancer that appears in a person's immune system cells. Under normal conditions, these lymphocytes function to fight disease, but the white blood cells undergo genetic mutations that cause cancer.

Symptoms of this disease are swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpits or groin. Frequent fatigue, fever, night sweats, shortness of breath, weight loss and itchy skin.


This type of cancer attacks white blood cells and produces large numbers of white blood cells in the body. Even leukemia makes white cells unable to function properly to fight infection.

Symptoms of leukemia are fatigue, weight loss, enlarged liver or spleen, excessive sweating at night, infections, fever, easy bruising and the appearance of red spots on the skin.

Multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a bone marrow cancer that forms plasma cells or often called plasma cell cancer. These plasma cells are part of the immune system that fights infection and forms antibodies if the body is attacked by something. Normally, these plasma cells form antibodies in the blood. But in the case of cancer, these plasma cells become cancer cells.

Symptoms of plasma cell cancer to watch out for are pain in the spine, ribs and hips. Easy fatigue, high calcium in the blood, weight loss, dizziness, blurred vision, infection, difficulty holding urine.


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