8 Tips for Homecoming with the Elderly to Be Safe During the Trip

Know the Tips for Homecoming with the Elderly to Be Safe During the Trip

written by : PARENTY - 12 Mar 2024

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Homecoming is a tradition that has become an integral part of Indonesian culture, especially ahead of holiday celebrations such as Eid al-Fitr. However, for the elderly, traveling home can be a challenge. They are often vulnerable to various health and safety risks. Therefore, there are some medical tips with lanais that need to be considered so that the homecoming trip can run safely and comfortably.

Safe homecoming tips with the elderly

1. Make a Travel Plan

As much as possible, plan your trip carefully. Determine a safe and comfortable travel route for the elderly, and make sure to provide enough rest time during the trip. Avoid traveling during peak times such as at night or during bad weather.

2. Choose Safe and Comfortable Transportation

When choosing transportation, prioritize the safety and comfort of the elderly. Choose transportation that has facilities for the elderly such as comfortable seats and good accessibility.

3. Bring Medicines

Make sure to bring all important documents such as identity cards, family cards, as well as prescriptions and medications needed by the elderly. Don't forget to bring medicines that may be needed in an emergency.

4. Bring Food and Drink

To avoid digestive problems or dehydration, make sure to bring enough food and drinks for the duration of the trip. Avoid foods that risk causing indigestion.

5. Rest Adequately

During the trip, make sure the elderly get enough rest. Stop periodically to take short breaks and move your body to avoid stiffness. If possible, choose a comfortable and safe place to rest.

6. Consult a Doctor

Before starting a trip, it is important to consult a doctor first. Make sure that the senior's health is in good condition to travel long distances. Doctors can give specific advice and recommendations, as well as provide necessary medications during the trip.

7. Avoid Hazardous Activities

Be cautious of activities that may jeopardize the safety of the elderly, such as walking in slippery or dangerous places. Always provide extra assistance and attention to the elderly during travel.

8. Maintain Hygiene and Health

During the trip, keep yourself and your surroundings clean. Make sure seniors always wash their hands before eating and after using the toilet. Also bring personal hygiene items such as wet wipes and hand sanitizer.

Those are the homecoming tips with the elderly that you can try to be safe while driving. In addition, you also need to provide comfort to the elderly during the trip by using adult diapers Parenty. Due to the long journey and considering the health condition of the elderly, adult diapers are very helpful in maintaining hygiene and health on the homecoming trip.

Parenty, an adult diaper that has a 3D surface that is soft and friendly to the skin of the elderly. Parenty is also equipped with other supporting fitters such as high absorbency and 3-dimensional leak-proof. Parenty</a> will make the homecoming trip with the elderly safer and more secure. (Aq/PRT)


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