9 Benefits of Playing with Grandchildren for Elderly Happiness

Discover the psychological benefits of playing with grandchildren for older adults, from reducing anxiety to improving quality of life & building emotional bonds

written by : PARENTY - 3 Jun 2024

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Playing with grandchildren is a happy moment for the elderly in their twilight years. Even though they have limited energy and are easily tired, playing with grandchildren affects the physical and emotional health of the elderly. By playing with grandchildren, the elderly can get the psychological benefits of playing with their beloved grandchildren.

Psychological Benefits of Playing with Grandchildren

According to the Unair website, studies in the US, China and Europe explain that grandparents act as an important form of support for multigenerational families and as a center of solidarity between generations. Playing with grandchildren provides many psychological benefits for the elderly. This activity is not only fun but also contributes significantly to their emotional and physical well-being.

Here are 9 key benefits that older adults can get from playing with grandchildren:

1. Improves Quality of Life

One of the psychological benefits of playing with grandchildren is that it improves quality of life. Seniors who frequently interact with their grandchildren feel happier and more satisfied with their lives. These activities provide purpose and joy, and enrich their daily lives with laughter and fun.

2. Maintaining Physical Health

Playing with grandchildren often involves light physical activity such as walking, playing in the garden, or even dancing. These physical activities help keep the elderly body healthy, improving their stamina, flexibility and balance. This way, they can stay active and healthy for longer.

3. Keeping the Spirit of Life

The presence of grandchildren gives the elderly a new spirit. They feel more valued and needed in the family. These interactions full of love and laughter make them feel more alive and energized in their days. The positive energy from grandchildren can be a powerful source of motivation for the elderly.

4. Reduces Anxiety

Another psychological benefit is that it reduces anxiety. Playing and joking with grandchildren can be an effective distraction from negative thoughts or stress. These playful interactions help to calm the mind and provide a sense of peace and comfort for the elderly.

5. Banish Loneliness

Loneliness is a common problem faced by the elderly. Playing with grandchildren helps chase away this loneliness. Regular visits and interactions with grandchildren make them feel more connected and loved, resulting in less loneliness and increased feelings of happiness.

6. Builds Emotional Bonds

Playing with grandchildren also builds strong emotional bonds between generations. Seniors and grandchildren share stories, experiences and memories that strengthen family relationships. This bond provides a sense of security and trust for both parties, creating a deep and meaningful relationship.

7. Providing Psychological Support

The presence of grandchildren provides valuable psychological support for the elderly. Seeing grandchildren grow and develop gives them a sense of pride and happiness. In addition, grandchildren who often play with their grandparents provide a sense of being valued and cared for, which is very important for the mental health of the elderly.

8. Evoking Memories

Playing with grandchildren often evokes memories of the past for older adults. They may be reminded of their own childhood or the times they cared for their children. These memories bring sweet happiness and nostalgia, giving a feeling of warmth and contentment.

9. Practice Social Skills

Playing with grandchildren also helps older adults practice their social skills. These interactions involve communication, empathy and cooperation, all of which are important for social well-being. Socially active seniors tend to have better mental health and experience less depression or anxiety.

Thus, the psychological benefits of playing with grandchildren cannot be underestimated. Apart from providing happiness and fulfillment, this activity also enriches the lives of the elderly in many positive ways. Therefore, encouraging interaction between grandchildren and grandparents is a wise move for the overall well-being of the family.

While playing with grandchildren, ensure your parents' comfort by providing Parenty adult diapers. That way, parents will feel comfortable, confident and free in their activities. You also don't have to worry about hygiene as Parenty reduces the risk of leakage. (Aq/PRT)


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