Can the Elderly Eat a Vegan Diet?

Can the Elderly Eat a Vegan Diet?

written by : PARENTY - 8 Nov 2023

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Some people go on a vegan diet to improve their health. This vegan diet is a diet where a person only eats foods that contain plants. Among them are vegetables, grains, nuts to fruits. That means people who are on a vegan diet are not recommended to eat foods with animal content or meat. Then, can the elderly have a vegan diet?

Reporting from several sources, actually elderly people (elderly) are allowed to undergo a vegan diet. However, with a note that the lansir does not have a history of chronic disease or is on certain medications. Because keep in mind that running a vegan diet can make the body lose some important nutrients, such as protein.

Vegan diet helps reduce drug consumption in the elderly

This vegan diet has benefits for the health of the elderly. Seniors who apply this diet can avoid several chronic conditions that are often experienced by the elderly. For example cancer, heart disease, hypertension to diabetes. Even a medical journal from the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine states that elderly people with a vegan diet can make them healthier and take less medication. About 58% of vegan diets can reduce drugs in the elderly compared to the elderly who do not.

The researchers found an association between diet and the use of more than or equal to 5 medications simultaneously every day (polypharmacy) in the elderly. Polypharmacy itself is a common health problem experienced by the elderly. But unfortunately it can cause side effects that adversely affect the elderly when taking too many drugs.

From their data, it is known that someone who takes more than five kinds of drugs a day can increase the risk of 88 percent more from drug side effects and increase death. That's why a vegan diet and a healthy lifestyle can help the elderly take less medication.

Benefits of a vegan diet in the elderly

It is undeniable that a person's health can decline with age. Having an awareness of health and nutritional intake from an early age is very important for provision in old age. One healthy diet is vegan. Here are some healthy benefits of a vegan diet in the elderly:

1.       Reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and others.

2.       Improves digestion and helps reduce the risk of digestive problems.

3.       Helps reduce the risk of dementia in the elderly.

4.       Lowers cholesterol that is usually caused by eating animal protein.

5.       Reduces inflammation, injuries or infections that cause health problems.

6.       Maintaining weight as the body's metabolism declines.

So, the elderly are allowed to have a vegan diet but must be in a healthy state and not on medication. Even a vegan diet can also provide health benefits for the elderly. For the elderly who want to undergo a vegan diet, they must remain under supervision and monitor their health regularly. (Aq/PRT)


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