How to Wear Parenty Adult Adhesive Diapers

How to Wear Parenty Adult Adhesive Diapers

written by : PARENTY - 21 Dec 2023

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 Using diapers on babies may have become an easy thing to do. It's a different story when changing or putting on diapers on adults. The type of pants and adhesive on the diaper is certainly not the same how to use it. Well, here we will discuss how to wear Parenty adult adhesive diapers so that users are more comfortable and reduce the risk of leakage.

How to Change Adult Adhesive Diapers

As a general guide, here are the general steps on how to change and wear Parenty adult adhesive diapers:

Prepare Materials

Prepare a new Parenty adult adhesive diaper, wet wipes or soft cloth, and a place to dispose of the used diaper to be replaced.

Clean the area

Make sure to wash your hands before starting the diaper changing process. This is to avoid the transmission of germs. Then gently clean the genital area and buttocks using wet wipes or a soft cloth.

Prepare New Diapers

Unpack the new Parenty adult adhesive diapers. Be sure to read the instructions and adjust the diaper to the appropriate size.

Open the Old Diaper

Open the old diaper by gently removing the adhesive. Make sure not to tear or damage the diaper to make the replacement process easier.

Lift and Clean

Gently lift the user's buttocks and legs so that the old diaper can be cleaned easily. Clean the area with wet wipes or a soft cloth.

Dispose of Old Diapers

Safely dispose of used diapers in a suitable bin. Lay the used diapers down properly or wrap them in temporary plastic to prevent mess before throwing them in the trash.

Attach New Diapers

Place the new diaper under the user's buttocks. Make sure that the front of the diaper is facing forward and the adhesive part is at the back.

Adjust and Adhere

Adjust the position of the diaper for a snug and comfortable fit. Gently apply the adhesive on the front of the diaper to the back, making sure that the diaper is not too tight or too loose to prevent leakage.

Double Check

Ensure that the entire genital area and buttocks are well covered. Check whether the diaper user is comfortable and secure or not. If the position is not right, you can remove the diaper adhesive and repeat until the position is appropriate.

How to Wear Parenty Adhesive Diapers in the Right Position

Adhesive diapers are usually used by users who lie on the bed to make it easier to use. In this lying position, there are different conditions when changing adult diapers. Here's how to wear Parenty adhesive diapers according to the user's position:

Lying on the Side

Position the user in a side lying position. The diaper is folded in half, making sure the front of the diaper is on the front and vice versa. Then the diaper is put on over the front and back of the crotch. Using diapers appropriately can ensure user comfort. 

Lying on the Back

When the user is lying flat or on their back, align the front with the navel and the back with the spine. Then, wrap the back properly covering the entire buttocks area.


When the user is in a standing position, position the diaper front and back pulled to fit the body and taped according to the body size.


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