Parents Sleep Comfortably All Night with Parenty

Find out what causes and how to treat insomnia in the elderly. Read more here.

written by : PARENTY - 11 Jan 2024

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As we age, a person can experience changes in sleep patterns and make it difficult for parents to sleep at night. It is also undeniable that energy and health are declining when entering old age. That is why, quality rest and sleep greatly affect the physical and emotional resilience of the elderly. 

Then, how can parents sleep comfortably all night? Let's look at the causes of insomnia in parents and how to overcome insomnia complaints in parents. 

Causes of Insomnia in Parents

Parents have trouble sleeping at night can be caused by various reasons and these factors can differ from one individual to another. One of them is a decrease in brain function which is actually tasked with sending signals of fatigue and drowsiness to the body. 

Apart from that, there are several triggers of insomnia in tau people. Here are other causes of insomnia that parents should know:

Health problems

The existence of health problems felt by parents can make it difficult to sleep on time. These health conditions include respiratory disorders such as sleep apnea, joint pain, arthritis that make sleep uncomfortable.

Stress and anxiety disorders

Responsibility for family or work makes a person worried. So high levels of stress and anxiety can interfere with sleep.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes are conditions that are more prone to be experienced by people who are elderly (elderly). Hormonal changes are one of the causes of changing one's sleeping hours.

Uncomfortable environment

Noises in the environment, sudden changes in temperature or excessive light at night can hinder sleep quality. So, try to get your parents to sleep with minimal light, no electronics on and comfortable sleeping conditions.

Effects of medications

Health declines with age. Taking medicines to support health is the right way. However, sometimes the drugs consumed can have side effects such as sleep disorders.

How Older People Can Sleep Well

According to a study in the Neuron Journal, it is said that the duration of a person's sleep will decrease with age. No wonder sleep disorders such as insomnia are a normal aging process that occurs in the elderly.

Although sleep disturbances in the elderly are normal, it doesn't hurt to stay alert to this condition. Prolonged insomnia can worsen the health condition of the elderly. Well, you better do some tips or ways to overcome insomnia so that parents can sleep well all night:

Set regular sleeping hours 

Even though it is difficult to sleep, try to set routine sleeping hours consistently at a predetermined time. This is like training the body to get used to adjusting sleep at the right time so that it helps overcome sleep problems in the elderly.

Healthy lifestyle

Implementing a healthy lifestyle can improve the quality of sleep of the elderly. Start by getting used to eating healthy foods, stop smoking and do not consume alcohol.

Avoid eating too late

Make it a habit to leave some time between dinner and bed. This time gap helps the body to digest food properly and does not inhibit sleepiness. Also, avoid consuming foods and drinks that contain soda and caffeine.

Keep electronic devices away

Television and cell phone light can interfere with one's sleep. Avoid watching TV late at night to make it easier to fall asleep. You can also use a bed lamp with dim and minimal light.

Create a comfortable sleeping atmosphere

To sleep more soundly and comfortably, make sure the bedroom is clean and tidy. Because without realizing it, creating a comfortable room atmosphere can support a good night's sleep.

Use comfortable clothes

Make sure parents use clean and comfortable clothes, not too thick or thin. In addition, for parents who use adult diapers, change them before going to bed. So that the diaper is not too moist and can hold more fluid throughout the night.

Parents Sleep Well All Night with Parenty

Parents who experience health issues such as urinary incontinence may have concerns about leaky or damp diapers that make sleeping uncomfortable. The problem of leaky diapers, the annoyance of having to change the bed sheet every morning can be a burden on the mind that ultimately makes sleep less restful.

Parenty is an adult diaper that has two types: adhesive diapers and adult diapers. Parenty diapers provide comfort and help maintain hygiene for individuals with certain conditions. In addition, Parenty diapers present adult diapers with maximum protection without sacrificing comfort.

Here are the advantages of Parenty diapers that are equipped with advanced features such as:

1.     Using absorbent pulp and SAP core material with strong flexibility.

2.     Soft diaper surface that is friendly to sensitive skin.

3.     3D surface to reduce friction and risk of skin irritation.

4.     Has fast and maximum absorption.

5.     Large capacity, 900 ml adhesive diapers and 600 ml pants diapers.


Well, those are some explanations about the elderly having trouble sleeping at night along with the causes and ways to overcome them. Parenty adult diapers help support the comfort of the elderly so that they can sleep soundly and comfortably overnight. (Aq/PRT)


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