Parenty Donates 3D Structured Soft Diapers to Indonesian Veterans

Parenty Donates 3D Structured Soft Diapers to Indonesian Veterans

written by : PARENTY - 21 Nov 2023

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Commemorating Heroes' Day on November 10, we all remember the services of the heroes who have fought for the independence of the Indonesian nation. The services of these heroes are very valuable and cannot be repaid with anything. However, we can give attention and care to veterans now in their twilight years. Parenty, a soft adult diaper that has won the Top Innovation Award from Tras N Co as "Innovation of 3-Dimensional Structure on the Surface of Adult Diapers" is donating diapers to Indonesian veterans.

Partnering with the Veterans Legion of the Republic of Indonesia and the Veterans Wives Association of the Republic of Indonesia, Parenty distributed diapers that began to be distributed since November 20, 2023. This activity was carried out by Parenty as a concern and appreciation for the struggle of Indonesian veterans.

Sharing the tenderness of love for the elderly

Parenty as an adult diaper brand understands the needs of veterans need special attention because they have entered the elderly. According to Titi Nurmalasari as Parenty's Public Relations Manager, Parenty's diaper donation for veterans is an effort to improve the quality of life of the elderly.

"Parenty always strives to help create a good quality of life and welfare for Indonesian veterans. In addition, Parenty also collaborates with the Association of Wives of Veterans of the Republic of Indonesia (PIVRI). Given that women with cognitive deficits are at high risk of urinary incontinence," Titi explained.

That way, Parenty can prove the softness of love from Parenty "Softness of Love" for Indonesian wives and veterans. The softness of love from Parenty is expected to give the elderly the confidence and freedom to continue their lives without worrying about diaper leakage and skin irritation. Especially for the elderly who are still active but experiencing health problems such as urinary incontinence.

What do Indonesian veterans have to say about Parenty?

Indonesian veterans positively welcomed the diaper donation made by Parenty. One of the representatives from the Indonesian Veterans Legion, Mr. Slamet Subuh, expressed his gratitude for Parenty's concern. For Mr. Slamet, this simple activity from Parenty can provide new hope and enthusiasm for veterans.

"LVRI veterans are grateful to Parenty for creating adult and elderly diapers. The donated diapers are rightly given to veteran members who really need them. We really appreciate Parenty's concern for us. This can give us all the spirit of life in old age. Hopefully Parenty continues to do good and its products are able to help the wider community".

Advantages of Parenty Soft Adult and Elderly Diapers

Parenty, an adult diaper is lovingly and gently designed for the elderly and adults with certain health conditions. Parenty has maximum absorption for comfort and provides the best care for someone who needs diapers with various needs.

Parenty's absorbent material consists of a combination of wood pulp and SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer). So that the absorption is fast and evenly distributed and able to maintain the moisture of the user's skin. In addition, the shape of this diaper is made as flexible as possible with a V shape in the crotch following the shape of the human body. Parenty also uses soft non-woven material and 3D structure on its surface. So, it can reduce direct skin contact with diapers, preventing rashes and bedsores.

Parenty has two types of diapers: adhesive diapers with a capacity of 900 ml for someone who is sedentary and lies down more and pants diapers with a capacity of 600 ml for active use. Now, Parenty is easy to find and buy offline and online. (Aq/MKK)


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