Beware of 10 Diseases of the Elderly at 60 Years of Age

Beware of 10 Diseases of the Elderly at 60 Years of Age

written by : PARENTY - 15 Jan 2024

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Many diseases lurk in the elderly aged 60 years and over. In fact, as we get older, our body's ability to fight disease decreases. So that the elderly group is very vulnerable to several diseases. Here we will discuss 10 diseases of the elderly aged 60 years that need to be watched out for.

10 List of Diseases that Often Appear in the Elderly

1. Heart

Heart disease is a silent killer disease that silently kills people over 65 years old. About 37% of men and 26% of women are susceptible to heart disease. Especially for the elderly who have other diseases such as cholesterol or high blood pressure. Even these other congenital diseases can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Implementing a lifestyle early on and continuing to exercise regularly can help improve the quality of life of the elderly.

2. Hypertension

High blood pressure or hypertension will increase with age. About 2-3 over 60 years old are estimated to have hypertension. In the elderly, blood pressure is classified as high if it is more than 140/90 mmHg.

Symptoms of hypertension in the elderly themselves are very diverse, such as dizziness, blurred vision, nausea, severe headaches, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, difficulty breathing, blood in the urine to ringing in the ears.

3. Arthritis

Furthermore, arthritis is a painful condition in the joints due to inflammation. This arthritis is also known as rheumatism which also affects all age groups. However, this arthritis is more susceptible to the elderly aged over 60 years.

Some types of arthritis in the elderly include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, reactive arthritis, gouty arthritis, and septic arthritis.

4. Stroke

Anyone can actually have a stroke, from children, adults to the elderly. Elderly people over the age of 60 are particularly vulnerable to strokes that stop blood flow to the brain. Even the risk of stroke doubles every decade after the age of 55.

Some factors that can increase the risk of stroke in the elderly include high blood pressure, smoking, having a history of heart disease, diabetes, lack of movement, obesity and the use of drugs.

5. Diabetes

About 25% of people aged 65 years or older live with diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that results in too much sugar in the blood. Diabetes in the elderly occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin or cannot use insulin properly or both.

Actually, this sugar disease can be detected early through blood tests. The sooner you know your risk of diabetes, the better you can control the disease and maintain your quality of life.

6. Cataracts

The most common disease at the age of 60 is cataracts. As you get older, your vision ability will decrease due to several factors. One of the diseases at the age of 60 is cataract. Cataract is a condition in which the lens of the eye becomes opaque when it is normally clear. Most cataracts develop slowly over the years.

Even half of the elderly experience some type of cataract. The symptoms of cataracts may not be felt by the elderly, but vision will become increasingly cloudy and blurred over time.

7. Cancer

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the elderly aged 60 years and above. It is reported that around 28% of men and 21% of women aged 60 and above are living with cancer.

Moreover, at the age of 60, a person may have more than one disease and many complications. This can slow down the healing process. However, following the doctor's instructions and adopting a healthy lifestyle can improve the quality of life of the elderly.

8. Respiratory disorders

According to the CDC, the third most common cause of death among seniors aged 65 years and older is chronic lower respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In people 65 years or older, about 10% of men and 13% of women have asthma and 10% of men and 11% of women live with chronic bronchitis.

In addition, according to some experts, the most common respiratory disorders in the elderly are coughing, shortness of breath and decreased exercise ability. These symptoms can be caused by pulmonary or non-pulmonary health conditions. You can take your parents for regular lung check-ups to maintain their quality of life in their twilight years. 

9. Skin Infections

Aging also affects skin changes and the ability to fight and heal diseases. This is what makes the elderly susceptible to skin infections. The skin infections that often occur in the elderly include bacterial or fungal foot infections, cellulitis to viral infections such as herpes.

Even itching or pain that suddenly appears unusual in the elderly should be watched out for. Skin infections in the elderly can be prevented by vaccines and maintaining hygiene such as diligently washing hands before or after doing something.

10. Urinary incontinence

The most common elderly disease at the age of 60 is urinary incontinence. The risk of urinary incontinence disease increases over time. It is 1.5 times more common in women than in men.

Many elderly people think that urinary incontinence is part of the aging process. This condition is caused by certain diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and infection. For this reason, a doctor's examination is needed to find out the exact cause.

Elderly people with certain medical conditions may need adult diapers to continue their normal activities. Parenty, one of the expert-recommended diapers, is specially designed to provide maximum protection and comfort for the elderly.

Parenty is made with a combination of pulp and SAP absorbent core material, soft surface, and 3D surface that serves to accelerate urine, reduce contact with the skin, and good air circulation. So as to reduce moisture and irritation to the skin. Parenty adult diapers with complete features answer the needs of the elderly.


As we age, a person is prone to several diseases. Diseases at the age of 60 may be unavoidable but we can prevent them with a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of these diseases. (Aq/MKK)


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