Must Know, This is the Motor Development of Babies Aged 3-6 Months

Must Know, This is the Motor Development of Babies Aged 3-6 Months

written by : PARENTY - 3 Sep 2021

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Baby's development from day to day is amazing. The growth of your little one makes it even more adorable and a pity to miss. Moreover, the stage of development at the age of 3-6 months is the basis for determining future age development.

Your child's motor development is divided into two, namely fine motor development and gross motor development. Motor development is a process of child movement development related to physical and nervous maturity in children. Fine motor development includes the development of small muscle movements with eye and hand coordination. For example, writing or putting together a puzzle toy. While gross motor development includes the development of motion between balance and coordination between body parts. For example, crawling, walking, jumping and running. Often gross motor develops first than fine motor.

For this reason, parents must know the stages of development of their little one's abilities at the age of 3-6 months as follows:

Gross motor development at 3-6 months

According to dr. Ria gross motor skills at the age of 3-6 months, in general, your little one can turn from supine to stomach and vice versa. In addition, when rolling over and on his back, the baby has begun to be able to lift his head as high as 90 degrees and maintain an upright and stable head position.

"It's getting stronger every day. Approaching six months, the baby can be seated with the head upright,” explained dr. Ria.

Meanwhile, linguistically at this age range, babies can already make high-pitched happy sounds or screams, recognize sounds and look to the source of the sound. Furthermore, for the social development of independence, babies in general can respond such as smiling when given toys or interesting pictures when playing alone.

Fine motor development at 3-6 months

The motor development of babies aged 3-6 months is that your little one can grasp other people's fingers, reach or reach objects that are within his reach, as well as holding his own hands. At this age, your little one can look up and down right, and try to broaden his vision and direct his eyes to small objects. Babies can also touch objects with various textures. Your little one's fine motor skills also begin to develop when they start throwing toys, or moving toys from one hand to another.

"Parents can stimulate it, for example by hanging or placing a toy that attracts attention in front of the child when on his stomach so that the child tries to reach it, to giving the toy to his hand so that the child feels the toy, this also provides sensory stimulation," explained dr. Ria.

Stimulation of vision carried out since infancy plays an important role in the development of visual function. When the baby is born at term, a pathway has been formed from the eye to the visual center in the brain so that the baby can receive visual stimuli in the form of various light intensities and contrasts, certain lines, images, and patterns, and movements. Newborns are not yet able to distinguish colors. The visual pathway for recognizing new colors is functioning at 2-3 months of age, and the first color a baby recognizes is red. Entering the age of 3 to 4 months, babies can see with focus and see a movement produced by an object. In addition, the baby will also be more sensitive to light stimuli. At the age of 3 months, light detection by babies is around 10 times compared to adults, so it's better not to install lights that are too bright. To be able to stimulate light stimulation, Mom can make a baby's bedroom decorated with various colors.

Don't Overstimulate, This Is The Impact On Your Little One

Stimulation is said to have a role in children's intelligence. Parents should provide stimulation according to the stages of child development as well as their readiness. Giving stimulation that is not in accordance with the baby's developmental stage is also classified as overstimulation. If your child gets overstimulation or stimulation that is not in accordance with his age, his child's growth and development is not optimal.

“So an example of overstimulation is, for example, stimulating a baby to walk even though the bones are not yet strong. If the baby is overstimulated, he will tend to cry, fuss or turn his face away from the stimulation object that is given, "said Dr. Ria.

In addition, dr. Ria also suggested that stimulation should be carried out in a comfortable, pleasant atmosphere, and should also be of interest to children. Parents also need to know when their little one doesn't like or is bothered by stimulation. Because, overstimulation can also have an impact on the psyche of the little one.

“When a child is fussy asking for something to drink but instead we ask him to stimulate him like on his stomach and then we give him a toy even though the situation is not supportive, such as the baby is sleepy, hungry, or it's time to change a diaper but we still force him to stimulate play. As a result, the child's psyche is disturbed and uncomfortable," he added.

Characteristics of Babies Having Developmental Delays

Reporting from IDAI, about 5-10% of children are estimated to have developmental delays. The data on the incidence of developmental delays is not known with certainty. However, it is estimated that about 1-3% of children under the age of 5 years experience general developmental delays.

This developmental delay is caused by genetic or chromosomal disorders, disorders or infections of the nervous system, premature or premature babies, low birth weight babies, babies experiencing severe illness in early life to intensive care.

Danger signs or red flags in gross motor development such as asymmetrical or unbalanced movements, persistence of primitive reflexes or reflexes that appear when the baby is older than six months. Impaired muscle tone, impaired body reflexes, and the presence of uncontrolled movements.

Meanwhile, the danger of fine motor disorders is still holding until the age of more than six months, the dominance of one hand before the age of one year. Oral exploration, such as putting a toy in the mouth, is still dominant after 14 months of age and inconsistent visual attention.

In addition to danger signs in fine and gross motor skills, other red flags to watch out for are not yet starting to speak, not responding when called upon, not showing interest in something to show less expression.

The development of each child is different and cannot be generalized to other children. If parents find any of the danger signs above, immediately check the condition of the child. Because, by knowing as early as possible, the source of the cause can be found and it can be addressed quickly according to needs.

Reviewed by:

dr. Ria Yoanita, SpA

RS Carolus Jakarta

dr. Ria is a specialist in Pediatrics. After completing his general medical education at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, he continued his specialization in Pediatrics at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.









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